I had two inspiring interactions with photographers yesterday. The first was a meeting over tea to discuss collaborating my stationery designs from the BirdDog Press with Julia Vandenoever Photography in order to offer her clients baby announcements, holiday cards, and the like ... We had such a fun conversation and the inspiration was able to flow freely. We are both new moms, too, which also puts us in a similar frame of mind.
Next, I met another photographer friend at my local park for some family photographs. Such a challenge to get the light just right and to get a 1-Year-Old to smile on cue! But Julie kept her easy-going way about her and settled in behind the lens of Julie Afflerbaugh Photography. She ended the session with distinct confidence, "We've got great stuff here."
Photographers are visionaries and view the world in their own unique way on both sides of the camera. As an artist myself, I really feed off of this energy and thoroughly enjoy spending time in their presence, bouncing ideas to and fro.
A Late Valentine's Tale
A belated Valentine’s greeting to you all! I hope that you all had a great
day with the exact amount of candy and flowers that you desired. This
12 years ago